Infidelity Counseling

Rebuilding Trust and Healing Together

When you discover the affair, it feels like your world has been turned upside down. Your stomach churns, your mind races, and nothing seems to make sense. You may have had moments where you questioned whether it was really happening, as the pieces just didn’t add up. Yet deep down, there was always a part of you that didn’t want to know—didn’t want to believe your partner was turning to someone or something else. The betrayal feels so raw, so painful, as if no one could possibly understand the depth of your hurt. But the truth is, you don’t have to navigate this alone. Healing is possible with the right support.

How EFT Therapy Can Help

Infidelity cuts deep, shaking the very foundation of your relationship and leaving behind overwhelming feelings of anger, shame, guilt, and confusion. The betrayed partner may feel a profound loss of trust and self-worth, while the one who strayed is often consumed by guilt and regret. These emotional wounds are real, and without proper support, they can widen the gap between you and your partner.

The good news? Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) offers a powerful way to heal and rebuild. With the help of Carol Corcoran, LCMFT, LMFT, and Certified EFT Couples and Family Therapist, couples can begin to repair the rupture and even come back stronger than before.

Why Seek Infidelity Counseling?

Infidelity counseling provides a safe, non-judgmental space where both partners can work through the difficult emotions and begin the journey toward healing. EFT focuses on helping couples understand their patterns of disconnection and, more importantly, how to help each other out of these cycles. This creates a sense of safety in the relationship, allowing both partners to share their deeper, more wounded feelings and develop a stronger, more meaningful connection.

Understanding the Root Causes

Explore the underlying reasons behind the betrayal, such as unmet needs, emotional disconnection, or personal struggles, and begin to address these issues.

Rebuilding Trust & Learning to Talk

Learn how to have difficult conversations with openness and vulnerability. Through consistent transparency, accountability, and mutual effort, you can slowly begin to rebuild the trust that was broken.

Finding Forgiveness and Moving Forward

While guarantees can’t be made in every case, many couples discover that through the repair and recovery process, they feel more connected than ever before.

Client Testimonial

“Carol has saved our family! I have no doubt in my mind that my marriage would be over without her help. She has really helped my husband and I understand one and other. She has brought us so much closer! We go to therapy wanting to strangle one and other and leave the office smiling and laughing! Over time we have learned to deal with issues at home that we could not overcome before. Thank you Carol! “


Can Our Relationship Survive Infidelity?

While infidelity can feel like the end of the road, many couples who go through counseling find that their relationship can not only survive but thrive. With the support of a nurturing therapist like Carol Corcoran, and the structure provided by Emotionally Focused Therapy, couples often discover that their relationship emerges stronger, with a deeper sense of connection and understanding.

If your world has been turned upside down by infidelity, you don’t have to face it alone. With the support of an experienced therapist and the power of Emotionally Focused Therapy, you can begin to heal, rebuild trust, and create a stronger, more resilient connection. Contact us today to learn more about our infidelity counseling services and schedule your first session.