Rethinking Narcissism

The Bad-and Surprising Good-About Feeling Special

In ‘Rethinking Narcissism,’ Dr. Malkin presents narcissism on a spectrum, too much is problematic and too little, it turns out, is a problem as well. Like most things in life there is a balance.  But what really stands out here is that old thinking that once a narcissist always a narcissist, just doesn’t hold up anymore.  Narcissism isn’t created in a vacuum and for many folks dealing with this issue, change is possible.  Especially with empathy and helping them and their partner understand the consequences of their behavior.  By the way, when taking the narcissism test, don’t attempt to take it for your partner, mother etc., this needs to be more further evaluated by a mental health practitioner.  I have had couples who have  been told by their former therapists that their partner is a narcissist and therefore is not treatable.  I often wonder, if the therapist is burned out and feeling helpless in such situations, rather than working to help those with narcissistic traits feel heard and understood.