What can you expect from EFT for couples?

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Being caught in a relationship where your needs are not being met and where you don’t feel heard or understood, is debilitating.  Now there is help in the form of Emotionally Focused TherapyCouples who successfully complete the process of Emotionally Focused Therapy counseling can expect many of the following results: 

  • Improved communication
  • Feeling supported and understood by their partners
  • Finally being able to connect with each other again
  • Understanding the types of cyclical, intense, heated, fights they get into and learning how to stop them, thereby allowing them to enjoy their relationship and begin to get closer
  • Healing deep unresolved wounds together

A happy and healthy relationship affects all aspects of one’s life. So, depending on how your relationship problems are manifesting, you may experience some or many of the following as a result of a secure and happy relationship:

  • Improved sleep
  • Improved mood
  • Better and more frequent intimacy
  • More confidence, decreased stress and more energy
  • Improved performance at work
  • Reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression and or PTSD
  • Better physical health and wellbeing
  • Feeling cherished by your partner and actually cherishing him/her in return

If you are parents, you will have the added benefit of knowing that you are becoming positive role models for your children, showing them what a healthy, loving, relationship looks like and in turn setting your kids up for success in their future relationships.  But, the best part is your kids won’t feel caught in the middle not knowing what to do and feeling so helpless not knowing how to help.

Basically, the goal of EFT couples therapy is to assist you, as a couple, understand the old patterns that hijack your relationship and help you find new ways to alter those emotional and behavioral patterns together. This allows you to feel better understood and no longer feel emotionally out of control in your relationship. Once safe enough to understand your relationship patterns and how you got off track with each other, you will be further aided to create a deeper more meaningful level of connection where you will begin to build a bridge to each other’s hearts and compassionately face one another in new and healthier ways.